Work Package 2
Title of Work Package: Biomaterial bank
Objective: WP2 aims to implement and maintain a state of the art biomaterial bank for NBIA patient samples collected through our registry (WP1) and our clinical study (WP4). The biomaterial bank represents a critical research resource for NBIA and will provide a sample repository for consortium partners and external collaborators. Within TIRCON, the samples will facilitate biomarker discovery to predict progression of NBIA (WP3) and pave the way to novel treatment studies, e.g. in other forms of NBIA or with other compounds (WP5). The biobank project will also help to strengthen both national networking and international research projects in the field.
- Harmonisation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sampling and preanalytics;
- Sampling, preanalytics, and storage; SOPs developed during KORA projects will be used for blood collection, serum separation, transport, DNA and RNA extraction and storage